Make a Payment
Thank you for choosing Dagger Law. If you wish to make a payment online, please read the following information carefully. We proudly utilize LawPay, the Experts in Legal Payments, to ensure your online payment is safe and secure.
For clients who receive Clio email invoices

Dagger Law uses Clio as our preferred client management software. With this change, we can email invoices to clients. These emails contain a Clio Payments link that directly interfaces with your client account. This interface provides immediate confirmation that your payment was received and applied to your bill.
If you are not receiving invoices by email and would like to start, please use our Contact Form to request invoices by email. All we need is an email address that you routinely check, and we can have you set up in no time!
If you have questions regarding an invoice, please contact our office at 740-653-6464.
For clients using LawPay Online Payment System
LawPay has included a feature that will allow us to bill a credit card on a repeating basis. We sincerely hope that this will help eliminate the need for clients to remember to call in monthly to pay a bill. If you have previously worked out a payment plan with our business office and would like to take advantage of this feature, please call so we can get you set up.
If you are looking to hire an attorney but can’t afford to pay the bill all at once, this could be a good option for you. Automated payments are a great way to pay your bill over time. Let us handle the recurring payment schedule, so you never miss a payment.
To ensure proper handling of your payment, we ask that you include your invoice number, or client number, in the reference line on LawPay. To make a payment for a retainer or trust, include your name and the name of your attorney in the reference line. If Dagger Law is handling multiple legal matters for you, please indicate in which case we are applying the funds. For example, “Joe Smith, Attorney Jones, divorce.”
For clients that prefer to pay by mail or in person
If you wish to pay by check or cash, you can deliver your payment to our reception desk, Monday thru Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM. You can mail checks to:
Dagger Law
144 E. Main Street
Lancaster, OH 43130
We ask that you do not mail cash payments.